Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Epictetus On Habit
Every habit and ability is maintained and increased
by performing the relevant action:
the habit of walking by walking,
the habit of running by running.
If you want to be a good writer, write.
If you want to be a good typist, type.
Because, if you don't do something for a month,
and do something else instead,
The consequences will be very noticeable.
For instance, if you lie in bed for ten days,
then get up and try to take a long walk,
you'll see how weak your legs are.
So, generally speaking,
if you want to make anything a habit, do it.
And if you don't want to make it a habit, don't do it,
but accustom yourself to doing something else in its place.
This is true with respect to the emotions, as well.
When you allow yourself to become angry,
you are not only upset now,
but you have also increased the habit of anger,
having thrown fuel on the fire.
So, do not consider this a only single defeat,
but recognize that you have also increased your
incontinence, your lack of control.
For, in taking action,
it is impossible not to strengthen
habits and abilities that already exist
or produce those that did not exist before.
So, if you don't want to be angry,
don't feed the habit.
Don't do do anything that will increase it.
First, keep quiet.
And, then, count the days
on which you have not been angry.
You want to be able to say:
"I used to be in an uproar every day;
then every second day, then every third,
then every fourth".
And when you have stopped it for thirty days,
you can celebrate.
For, at first, the habit is weakened,
but then is completely destroyed.
And when you can say:
"I haven't been angry today and I was very careful
when something irritating happened."
and say the same the next day,
and the day after that
for two or three months,
then, you know for sure
that you are in good shape.
THE DISCOURSES II.18 by Epictetus 101 AD
Translated by George Long (with changes)
via http://stoicnews.blogspot.com
by performing the relevant action:
the habit of walking by walking,
the habit of running by running.
If you want to be a good writer, write.
If you want to be a good typist, type.
Because, if you don't do something for a month,
and do something else instead,
The consequences will be very noticeable.
For instance, if you lie in bed for ten days,
then get up and try to take a long walk,
you'll see how weak your legs are.
So, generally speaking,
if you want to make anything a habit, do it.
And if you don't want to make it a habit, don't do it,
but accustom yourself to doing something else in its place.
This is true with respect to the emotions, as well.
When you allow yourself to become angry,
you are not only upset now,
but you have also increased the habit of anger,
having thrown fuel on the fire.
So, do not consider this a only single defeat,
but recognize that you have also increased your
incontinence, your lack of control.
For, in taking action,
it is impossible not to strengthen
habits and abilities that already exist
or produce those that did not exist before.
So, if you don't want to be angry,
don't feed the habit.
Don't do do anything that will increase it.
First, keep quiet.
And, then, count the days
on which you have not been angry.
You want to be able to say:
"I used to be in an uproar every day;
then every second day, then every third,
then every fourth".
And when you have stopped it for thirty days,
you can celebrate.
For, at first, the habit is weakened,
but then is completely destroyed.
And when you can say:
"I haven't been angry today and I was very careful
when something irritating happened."
and say the same the next day,
and the day after that
for two or three months,
then, you know for sure
that you are in good shape.
THE DISCOURSES II.18 by Epictetus 101 AD
Translated by George Long (with changes)
via http://stoicnews.blogspot.com